Canine Comfort Massage & Wellness is located in the heart of San Diego. We offer a variety of treatment options to help your pet be up and running at their optimal level. Our dogs (and cats) deserved to be pampered, have a special place to relax, get pain relief and/or help with recovery from an injury or surgery. They provide us with constant unconditional love and rarely let us know when they aren’t feeling their best. Come and experience the joy of giving your furry loved one comfort and renewed vitality today!
Single session massage $50
Healing Touch for Animals Session
(60 minutes) $120
Cold laser $35
Wellness Combination Package: $75
(laser and massage and/or healing touch for animals)
Payments accepted: Cash, Venmo or Credit Card (service charge will apply)
Inquire about mobile services (special circumstances)
Massage time will vary due to your pet’s needs/tolerance level for the day. Many dogs need to build up to longer massage sessions as they get to know the process. Small dogs do not tolerate more than 30 minutes of massage and larger dogs may require 45 minutes. The first appointment will include an evaluation, discussion and individualized session. Please make sure your pet hasn’t eaten a big meal at least 30 minutes before a massage and give them a bathroom break ahead of time in order to have the most positive session.

Healing Touch for Animals®
Healing Touch for Animals® techniques use light touch or near body touch…

Massage and bodywork are gentle and non-invasive services that can bring relaxation…

For your best friend
I was born with a passion for nature and helping animals and have shared my life with many animal companions. I am a firm believer in using a combination of traditional and alternative treatments for my own well-being as well as for my pets. I have met many dedicated animal professionals that have inspired me with their knowledge and insight. After 34 years of teaching I decided that I would like to bring a sense of comfort and well-being to animals.
Mission Statement

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Shih Tzu
Our Shih Tzu Bear had injured his back and was diagnosed with a bulging disc that severely impacted the use of his back legs. His pain level was so bad we considered having him put down. We heard about Linda from a neighbor and decided to try cold laser to see if it would help. First off, Linda was amazing with Bear and she clearly has a passion for caring for animals. After just a few treatments Bear seemed to be in less pain and seemed to have greater strength and mobility in his rear legs. In addition to laser therapy Linda suggested some supplements that she thought might help. After a few weeks of laser treatments Bear has made an amazing recovery. He is about as pain free as an old dog can get and he has recovered 90% of his former mobility in his rear legs. Best of all he has returned to being the spicy and peppy curmudgeon that we have always loved. I feel like Bear would not have made such an amazing recovery without Linda’s help and suggestions.
Steve and Marcy

12 yr old beautiful Golden Retriever
My 12 yr old beautiful golden retriever has severe joint issues. We tried everything for Riley to help him have less pain and more mobility. Lucky for me and Mr. Riley, we found Linda. After Linda comes to our home and uses those miracle hands of hers, Riley benefits so much and seems to have more energy and interest in moving around. She is so caring and compassionate besides having such great skills with using the cold laser and then giving him a wonderful massage. My dog still is able to walk, but slowly, however, when Linda pulls up, He immediately gets excited and walks toward her knowing he will have such great loving care from Linda ….with great results. Don’t ever give up on your dog or cat who has lost mobility and deals with pain……there is hope, as we found that out with Linda and her Miracle hands. SHE HAS GIVEN US HOPE AND JOY!!! Linda F.

12 year old Springer Spaniel
Zander is a 12 year old Springer Spaniel who has pins and plates in both legs. He also suffers from allergies and frequent ear infections. In the last few months he has been in a lot of pain and actually whines when he has to get up to sit or stand. Linda began working with Zander with massage and cold laser. After 3 sessions I noticed a significant change in his attitude, energy and comfort level. He seems like a new dog and is definitely more alert and happy. Zander LOVES his massages with Linda and he moans and smiles with relief. Linda is very knowledgeable and has also helped us by providing information regarding nutrition and natural solutions for Zander’s allergies and skin problems. Our experience working with Linda has been positively amazing!

8 year old Pit Bull mix
In June 2017 I adopted, Emily, an 8 year old pit bull mix who exhibited some lower back and hip pain. I invited Linda to work on Emily to see if we could reduce her discomfort. At first Emily was tentative about being touched but each time she has experienced massage and laser she has allowed Linda to do more work. Linda is always careful to observe Emily’s reactions and works quietly and attentively to reduce stress and tension.
I am always impressed with Linda’s gentle touch, kindness, knowledge and careful approach. Emily is always more limber and does not appear to be in any pain following her sessions. We have had many sessions over the last 11 months. We started with more frequency but are now able to maintain with a session approximately once a month. We will definitely continue to work with Linda as a wonderful way to prevent problems as Emily ages. Thank you Linda!

The Energy Based Modality of Healing Touch:
The energy based modality of Healing Touch has been recognized throughout the human medical community since 1989 and is used by more than 75,000 healthcare practitioners worldwide to help provide whole body wellness. These techniques are designed to enhance the healing process and do not replace traditional medical or veterinary healthcare, medical diagnosis, or medical treatment for illness.
- contact@caninemassagesd.com
- Call Us (858)735-7124
Please email us if you have any questions or requests about our services. We will try our best to respond back to you within 24 hours.
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